While most public opinion surveys are conducted only in English and Spanish, we provide unprecedented insights by recruiting and conducting interviews in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Through its rigorous, scientific approach, Amplify AAPI illuminates the experiences of AANHPI communities. We deliver best-in-class research to decision-makers who can’t afford to be wrong.
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What Sets Amplify AAPI Apart
How Amplify AAPI Is Built
Amplify AAPI is designed to be representative of the U.S. household population, including all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
U.S. households are randomly selected with a known, non-zero probability from the NORC National Frame as well as address based sample (ABS) frames.
How Amplify AAPI Represents the AANHPI Population
There are a range of challenges in properly representing the AANHPI population in survey research. First is attaining a sufficient sample size of AANHPI adults. But what matters even more is sample composition. Amplify AAPI works to attain representative sample coverage in a number of ways:
Multilingual Communication
By offering surveys in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Korean, 92 percent of total AANHPI community members are offered a language with which they are comfortable completing surveys.
Cultural Relevance
Our designs for recruiting and surveys are culturally relevant and meant to maximize engagement with AANHPI communities.
Disaggregated Data
At initial launch, Amplify AAPI represents the overall AANHPI population, but ongoing recruitment is designed to grow the representation of subgroups such that we can generate stable survey estimates for a number of subgroups, including Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders.
A Closer Look
Amplify AAPI offers you two ways to meet your research needs: custom surveys and monthly polls.
Monthly Poll
Monthly polls give access to Amplify AAPI panelists, but with the increased speed and affordability that some research projects require. Submit your finalized survey questions in the middle of the month, and data from 1,000 completed surveys is delivered to you in five weeks.
Custom Surveys
Custom surveys provide ultimate flexibility in sample size, survey length, and overall survey creation to meet your nuanced research needs.
Custom Surveys
Contact us directly at AmplifyAAPI-BD@norc.org for a custom price quote for your project.
Monthly Poll
- $10,000 minimum entry fee (covers up to 5 questions units*)
- $1,500 per each additional question “unit”
* A unit is a simple, straightforward, close-ended question, such as yes/no, a checklist of up to 10 response categories, or grid questions using a rating scale with up to four attribute statements.
Both custom surveys and monthly polls include the following standard deliverables:
- One standard demographic banner table: age, sex, education, ethnicity, Asian origin, region
- Data file (Excel, SPSS, or SAS) including weights and Amplify AAPI Demographic Profile Variables (see below)
Custom Deliverables Provided at Additional Cost:
- Custom banner tables—$350
- Additional profile variable—$300 (Contact us for available variables)
- Topline report, PowerPoint tables (Contact us for pricing)
Amplify AAPI Demographic Profile Variables
- Sex
- Age (in years)
- Age (4 and 7 categories)
- Educational obtainment (5 categories)
- AANHPI Origin
- Language Spoken at Home
- Nativity
- Paternal Nativity
- Maternal Nativity
- Housing Type (single-family home, etc.)
- Ownership of Living Quarters (rent/own)
- Household Income (4, 9 and 18 categories)
- Marital Status
- Home Internet Access
- Telephone Service (landline and/or cell)
- Metropolitan Statistical Area (urban/rural)
- Region (U.S. Census—4 & 9 categories)
- State of Residence
- Household Size
- Current Employment Status
- Survey Start Date (date/time), End Date (date/time), Duration (minutes) & Mode (online/phone)
- Device Type used for Online Survey Taking (desktop, tablet, smartphone)