The voices of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities are often unheard in the United States.

You can help change that. Support Amplify AAPI.

Amplify AAPI is the first-ever public opinion panel designed to scientifically represent Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities.

AANHPI communities in the U.S. are excluded from policies, research, policies, budget allocation, and services due to limited and/or inaccurate data representation. This perpetuates harmful stereotypes, health disparities, and racial inequality.

Our Funders

Blue Cross of California Foundation logo
AAPI Data logo
The Rockefeller Foundation logo

Help Us Reach Our Goal

Thanks to the generous support of our growing list of funders, we have surpassed the halfway mark toward our $6 million goal. This funding will allow us to expand the panel's size, enabling deeper insights through disaggregated data across the seven largest Asian ethnicities.
Find out how to support.

Funding Progress

Panel Progress

NORC Amplify AAPI Panel Progress Bar Chart